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GFS 1 hPa Geopotential Stratosphere Height Forecast Charts for the UK and Europe...

Height contours are represented by the dashed lines. The small numbers along the contours identify the value of a particular temperature contour (for example -20'c etc.). This example depicts the 1 mb Stratosphere geopotential temperatures (color filled regions).

Latest Stratosphere Temperature Forecast Charts for the UK and Europe...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 12 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 24 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 36 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 48 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 60 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 72 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 84 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 96 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 108 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 120 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 132 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 144 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 156 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 168 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 180 hours...

Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 192 hours...

Images are updated at regular intervals - courtesy of