GFS 500 hPa Geopotential Height Forecast Charts for the UK and Europe...
500 hPa (GPDM) and MSLP Geopotential height which the US National Weather Service defines as: roughly the height above sea level of a pressure level. For example, if a station reports that the 500mb height at its location is 5600m, it means that the level of the atmosphere over that station at which the atmospheric pressure is 500mb is 5600 meters above sea level. This is an estimated height based on temperature and pressure data. It is shown by the coloured shading. Mean Surface Level Pressure (MSLP) is usually shown on the 500hPa GPDM plots with contours. The 500hPa plots are useful for a range of reasons, one being that computer models usually forecast this level better than surface conditions at longer ranges. In the winter months areas of higher heights (yellow, orange and red shading) to the north and east of the UK are often associated with colder weather. Lower heights to the north and east often mean a typical westerly flow bringing mild or close to average temperatures and unsettled weather. In the summer months higher heights over the UK are an indicator of drier and probably warmer weather. 500hPa ridge - trough patterns can be identified on these charts. Rain is more likely under a trough and dry weather under a ridge. .
Latest Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 12 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 24 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 36 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 48 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 60 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 72 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 84 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 96 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 108 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 120 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 132 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 144 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 156 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 168 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 180 hours...
Probable Temperature and Pressure Chart for the UK and Europe in 192 hours...
Images are updated at regular intervals - courtesy of theweatheroutlook.com