Yesterday's Data

This Page Shows a Summary of the Data for the last 24 hours since midnightLocal Time
Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature4.9 °Cat 08:21
Low Temperature2.8 °Cat 23:33
Average Temperature4.2°C 
Temperature Range2.1°C 
High Apparent Temperature1.1 °Cat 07:03
Low Apparent Temperature-4.1 °Cat 17:04
High Heat Index4.9 °Cat 08:21
Low Wind Chill-2.0 °Cat 23:20
Maximum Dew Point2.6 °Cat 07:07
Minimum Dew Point-0.2 °Cat 21:51
High Humidity89%at 00:15
Low Humidity74%at 10:13
Heat Degree Days14.0 
Cool Degree Days0.0 
Hours of Sunshine2.0 
Solar Radiation169at 13:48
UV Index0.0at 00:00
Rainfall Yesterday0.0 mm 
Maximum Rain Rate0.0 mm/hrat 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall0.0 mmat 00:00
Highest Gust29.0 mphat 11:33
Highest Speed (10 minute average)21.0 mph (F5)at 17:04
Wind Bearing72°at 11:33
Dominant Direction81° E 
Wind Run253.6 miles 
Beaufort ScaleF5Fresh breeze
Pressure (Sea Level)
High Pressure1040.61 mb00:00
Low Pressure1021.68 mb23:59

Page Updated : 08/02/2025 04:08:00
Powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (10992)