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The Famous Zambretti Forecaster!!!!

Beteljuices Zambretti Algorithm based Forecaster
Beteljuices Zambretti Algorithm based Forecaster - v1.0
Enter Data:
Environment: Hemisphere:   Local 'Weather Range':   Low:  High:
Current Variables: Wind conditions:   Month:
(Relative / Sea Level Adjusted)
(hPa / mb) Type here:    Trend:
12 Hour Forecast: Your Forecast Will Appear Here.
Best Done at 09:00 Local Solar Time.

This page is a simple input / output form for a Javascript version of the the 1915 Negretti and Zambra (Zambretti) weather forecaster.

The original was designed for the Northern Hemisphere and UK 'Weather Range'. ie. The nearer the Poles the greater the spread between lower and upper barometer levels and large 'trends' are needed for weather conditions change. Conversely, the nearer the Equator the smaller the 'spread' and smaller 'trends' for change.

Hopefully I have correctly re-written the algorithm to allow for any location, and I have also increased 'wind direction' to 16 points to make it compatable with most weather kits.

A forecast at approx. 09:00 Local Solar Time is allegedly better than 90% accurate ! - even though it takes no account of rate of barometer change, wind speed or temperature.

This code is free for all, including redistribution, as long as NO CHARGE is ever made for it's use or output.

beteljuice - June 2008
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Data updates at regular intervals.